Stories by David Schrayer

David Schrayer is the Co-Director of the Nonprofit Centers Network and the Social Purpose Real Estate Summit. David began his career in real estate in the San Francisco Bay Area in the 1980s working as a tradesman for a design-build firm on residential and commercial projects. Seeking to make his career in the third sector, David relocated to New York City where he found his calling in developing affordable housing and mixed-use projects in the Hell’s Kitchen and Loisaida (Alphabet City) neighborhoods of Manhattan. Since then David has had the joy of working in a variety of roles from single-family residential building to disaster recovery in post-Katrina New Orleans and sitting on private and governmental advisory boards. Since 2013, David’s professional focus has been on multi-tenant nonprofit spaces in New Jersey, New York, California and Michigan. David loves what he does and believes that creating permanent community-held assets through nonprofit centers is key to promoting social equity.

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