Next American City Launches International Journalism Fellowship

Want to write for Forefront? The International Journalism Fellowship will give selected American journalists the opportunity to travel abroad for a period of 1-2 weeks to research and report on how cities and regions are responding to global economic, environmental and social challenges.

Dharavi, India. Credit: Ting Chen, Wing via Flickr

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Next American City is excited to partner with the German Marshall Fund on a unique journalism fellowship program. The International Journalism Fellowship will give selected American journalists the opportunity to travel abroad for a period of 1-2 weeks to research and report on how cities and regions are responding to global economic, environmental and social challenges. Fellows’ writing will be intended for publication in Forefront and will compliment GMF’s Urban & Regional Policy Fellowship Program. Through this research and reporting, the fellows will inform the comparative policy dialogue surrounding similar challenges facing American cities.

Program Details:

What does the fellowship entail?
The International Journalism Fellowship will support research trips of up to two weeks with a travel stipend of up to $5,000 per fellow. Fellows may choose to visit up to two cities while abroad. GMF and NAC will assist fellows with tapping into relevant networks where possible and appropriate, but the primary burden of scheduling meetings and site visits will fall on the fellow.

The primary product that will result from the fellowship will be a feature-length article to be considered for publication in Forefront. Next American City will pay $2,000 for the published piece. Fellows will also be expected to provide other products as a result of their research, including but not limited to regular contributions to GMF and NAC blogs and podcasts. Finally, fellows will be expected to present their findings at a convening such as a lunch or reception organized by GMF and NAC.

Who should apply?
The International Journalism Fellowships are intended for experienced, U.S.-based journalists with expertise in urban policy fields such as land use and development, transportation, municipal finance, housing, education and social inclusion. GMF and NAC will welcome applicants from a wide range of journalistic backgrounds such as print, television, radio and the Internet, but all should have extensive writing experience. Candidates who have demonstrated their ability to write compelling long-form articles and with strong social media presences and/or easily reachable audiences are preferred.

When should I apply?
GMF and NAC are soliciting a first round of proposals until May 25, 2012, and expects to solicit proposals for the fellowship program on a bi-annual basis. We will still accept proposals outside this period in order to encourage timely journalistic responses to urgent developments.

How are applications reviewed?
GMF and NAC will jointly review and select fellows based on the originality of the proposed story, the qualifications of the journalist, the timeliness and urgency of the proposed topic and the applicant’s ability to disseminate the results of the project.

What does the fellowship cover?
A grant of up to $5,000 will be awarded for each fellowship; the exact amount will be determined by an approved budget. Fellowship funds are meant to cover the costs incurred or directly related to carrying out the project, such as travel, lodging, meals, dissemination of materials, and reasonable incidentals (phone, Internet, research, etc). GMF will support three or four fellowships per year, depending on funding availability.

How do I apply?
Address a letter of inquiry to Diana Lind, Editor in Chief of Next American City, by May 25, 2012. Make sure to put “International Journalism Fellowships” in the subject heading.

The letter of inquiry should not exceed one single-spaced page that includes:

- a description of the article you would like to write for Forefront – the international travel you would need to undertake to report the story – the amount of funding your travel would require and a simple budget explaining how funding would be used (airfare, hotels, etc.) – your qualifications to write the story and your familiarity with the subject matter.

In addition to the letter of inquiry, please include a resume or CV and two writing samples.

GMF and NAC may require that candidates undergo an interview jointly conducted by GMF and NAC prior to official notification of the award.

Two fellows will be selected and announced no later than July 2012.

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Diana Lind is the former executive director and editor in chief of Next City.

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